For z-axis secondary limit failure , it is related to the version of firmware .the first user of Artist-D pro will meet with this problem . Here are some advises you may follow when meet with such problem:
1.This problem can be avoided by not updating the firmware.
When you level the center point for Extruder 1, don't adjust the Z-limit switch, because the system will only remember the position that been set at the first time.
Follow those steps If you want to change the height of Z-limit switch.
1) Return to the main interface and move Z-axis upward to +30 mm.
2) Then adjust the screws of Z-limit switch.
3)Lastly,level the Extruder 1 again after return X Y Z axis to home position.
It is is complicated in this way.
2.The best way is to download the latest firmware from our official website.
1 comment
I recently purchased and built one and there is no Z limit switch.
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